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This man I just chatted with was looking for domination phone sex, and I overwhelmed him okay. He had no clue what a horrible Mistress he planned to get on the phone. I genuinely appreciate cock and ball torment calls. I genuinely think they are enjoyable. He hadn't strictly been requiring that, yet he was allowing me to lead the discussion, and he seemed to float along with it, so I let him know I needed him to do this. He approved of it and got together the devices I told him to. Presently the tomfoolery part started.
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We were good to go when he had some cotton buds, a light, and some hot sauce available. I had him drench the cotton buds in the hot sauce. He was a piece reluctant since I'm sure you can think about where those cotton buds were going, can't you? Directly down his cock. He howled as I advised him to slip it down the pee opening and afterward whirl it around. Then, at that point, I advised him to light the flame and trickle the wax over his door and all around his cock.
He howled with each sprinkle of the hot wax. I was giggling. Domination phone sex can be so much tomfoolery, inspiring them to do as you teach them. A few men are such willing small worms, and they will do anything a tough lady advises them to do and afterward say thank you for a while later.
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Earlier today, one called into the beating, and he said he had a paddle right primed and ready. Indeed, I had him whack himself so often he could not sit level on his seat. He expected to lay on his stomach sometime until the aggravation died down a little. Senseless guys, rowing themselves and getting hard while calling a domination phone sex chat Mistress.
They are masochists on a fundamental level, and I'm glad to inspire them to inflict torment upon themselves and get compensated. Our domination sex text chat babes love chatting.